At CrossFit Viento the safety of our members is our highest priority. We carefully follow the Covid-19 guidelines as outlined by the CrossFit medical advisors. This includes daily rigorous cleaning and sanitation of all equipment used and mandatory daily health screening procedures for all staff.

Ventilation Monitoring

  • We use two CO2 monitors to maintain a carbon dioxide level of 600 parts per million (ppm) or less, indicating effective ventilation with outside air during all classes. Outside air is considered between 0-400 PPM. Our goal is to keep our inside levels as close to being outside as possible.
  • All doors, including our large (10x10') overhead door, and windows are kept open during all training sessions to maximize ventilation. This allows for entering and exiting the facility without touching any surfaces.

Facility, Equipment, Personal Cleaning & Sanitizing Measures

  • Floors, bathrooms, and other common areas are cleaned and disinfected nightly and throughout the day as needed.
  • Members are required to disinfect their hands when arriving and leaving the facility, as well as after using the restroom.
  • Members are responsible for wiping down all equipment and floor space used after each class (supplies will be

Reduced Capacity & Social Distancing

  • Class sizes are limited- allowing for 400+ sq. Ft. per person in the gym area or as needed to maintain physical distancing requirements, and to keep CO2 levels below 600 parts per million.
  • Class times have been adjusted to allow time between classes for cleaning and minimize overlap between classes.

Health Guidelines for Members & Staff

  • Any individuals experiencing symptoms will not be permitted in the facility.


  • Registration is required for all classes and open gym times. Individuals will not be permitted into class if they have not registered or are on the waitlist.
  • We require online class reservations to ensure that our current class sizes are maintained.
  • We require online check-in for each class so that we can utilize contact tracing if needed.


210 Clearwater Lane, Ste. 101
Hood River, Oregon 97031

© Crossfit Viento | Hood River. All rights reserved.